Angels rush in…
Del Fuego watched as the petite human woman entered the abyss, a smile on his lips. It slipped as a new scent tickled his nose. He jerked his head around seeking the source. Too late, a large body barreled at him knocking him to the floor. The cracking sound of his skull hitting the polished concrete was soon outdone by repeated punches to his face. Blood sprayed from his nose before he could recover. His strong hands grabbed the neck of the attacker. Esteban focused through a red haze on the enraged faced above him.
Laughing, Del Fuego taunted, “Too late, Guardian.”
The wicked man’s words penetrated the fog of rage fueling his attack, and Antonio paused, only just realizing the being beneath him, the one his Tio Hector described as a fire demon, was choking him. Shoving his hands between Del Fuego’s wrists, he forced his own arms through and out, breaking the choke hold. Antonio quickly spun away pulling his sidearm free of the holster. He aimed and fired at Del Fuego. The bullet slammed into the demon’s chest. To his right, the creature called Cinder ran into the room, screaming its rage. The high-pitched roar sounded like something from a nightmare. Then it lunged at him.
“Hold, demon!”
From behind Antonio, a cadre of avenging angels rushed in. Camael and Cassiel flanked Antonio while Gabriel and Rafael charged Cinder. The spitfire pet of Esteban del Fuego fought with fury. Her human hands morphed into elongated claws with razor-sharp tips. She slashed at Rafael who parried, spinning around and away while Gabriel wielded two of the largest swords Antonio had ever seen. Gabriel swung, catching Cinder’s right arm, cutting it off. The creature howled and leapt at him, teeth gnashing as she aimed for his neck.
Rafael stabbed her in the back as Gabriel leaned backward and with a clean arc from his left arm, brought his sword down separating Cinder’s head from her neck. It hit the floor, rolling to a stop at Del Fuego’s feet. Her body, still standing, twitched, performing a macabre dance before falling over and becoming still. The husk began to smoke and melt into goo, the stench unbearable.
Del Fuego howled, “No! Not my Cinder!”
Cassiel tapped Antonio’s shoulder and pointed. “There’s no time. She’s there. You must go in and get her before the abyss to Hell closes.”
“What?” Antonio looked at the swirling vortex on the far wall. In the distance, he could see Blanca walking, but only just barely. He looked at Del Fuego. “You sent her to Hell? I’m going to kill you!” His eyes narrowed and he advanced on the fire demon.
Gabriel stopped him. “We’ll take care of him. Go get her before it’s too late. Run! And whatever you do, don’t stop. Don’t look at anything but her and when you reach her, pick her up and run like the hounds of Hell are on your heels, because son, they will be!”
Antonio swallowed, and without another word, turned and ran headlong into the whirling abyss.
Del Fuego watched him go, his expression one of hate. “He won’t make it. It’s already too late. I’ve won.”
Gabriel grabbed him by his hair. “You’ve won nothing but a one-way trip back to Hell, Esteban. And this time, there will be no coming back because I’m going to destroy your earthly form.” The tip of Gabriel’s sword sank into Del Fuego’s stomach. With one mighty tug, it ripped straight up cutting the fire demon’s body in two. Half of Esteban’s face laughed as the second sword separated both sides of his head from the trunk.
Cassiel, ever prepared, pulled out a vial of holy water and sprinkled it over the still laughing corpse. The laughter ceased as the droplets burned what was left. Cassiel recited the words that forever destroyed the human vehicle used by the wretched demon. With the exorcism complete, the angels waited.
“Do you think he’ll make it?” Cam asked.
Gabriel stared at the vortex. It was growing smaller. “Cassiel, I can get him.”
Cassiel reached out a hand, gripping Gabe’s shoulder. “I know your heart is in the right place, brother, but this is the Guardian’s test. We must let him complete it.”
“But the hounds…” Gabe cried. Worry marred his brow, and all could see the pain and anxiety in his lavender eyes.
Rafael put his arm around Gabriel’s shoulders. “He’ll make it, Gabe. Trust in the plan.”
“The damned plan!” It was always the plan, thought Gabe. He’d been fighting and resisting it for as long as he’d existed. He hated the plan, hated not being in control. Hated being told to stand down. That was his progeny inside that vortex to Hell and here he was being held back, ordered to stay out of the way. The Almighty’s plan chafed in ways that caused Gabriel no end of pain.
Minutes ticked by. The abyss continued shrinking, and so was Gabriel’s faith that Antonio would make it back—alive.
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Reminder, the first 4 books in the Angelic Hosts series will be presented here FREE! We are now in book 4, Nephilim Rising. This is an epic fantasy/paranormal, action-adventure romance. And there will be more books beyond book 4… (Announcement)
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